
Branding Design
Project Overview
Working closely with the client, and allowing the client to participate by encouraging them to send me assets with work they felt inspired by, and sending each other responsive sketches and images of colour schemes with watercolours to achieve hands-on participation between the client and myself with how the logo would turn out. The work was entirely virtual, but very hands-on.
 Context and Objectives
The client required a combination mark, with both a logo mark and supporting text for their wellness, yoga and meditation business. The logo required a colour scheme that popped out and was different from all other logos in Halifax relating to meditation and wellness.
everbloom text optionsdemonstration of 10 design optionsinitial sketches for everbloom
The process initially involved getting the client to use 3 words to describe their business. After also acquiring a few assets and parameters to the project, I developed 3 rounds of sketches after several rounds of critiques from the client. Certainly, the hardest portion of this was getting from the client exactly what this logo was meant to communicate, and how it reflected her business. After many conversations, we landed on a couple logo designs employing warm colours and yoga/meditation related imagery.
orange logo option with bounding boxesbounding boxes for logo
Challenges required building a brand from scratch, which just involved interviewing the client many times about what goals they wanted to achieve with the logo design, and what qualities we wanted to prioritize with the project. In the end, I believe we did identify those properties (wellness and warmth) and communicated them well with the logo designs.
everbloom option 1 with orangeeverbloom option 2 with yellow
The deliverables included 2 final logo design options, both using similar colour schemes. The logo designs compared to other designs stood out in terms of style and colour-scheme, and accomplished communicating wellness and warmth, the two most essential qualities of the Everbloom Wellness Centre business.
everbloom logo mock