eBay North America

Digital/UX Design
My Work with eBay
Working with FEED/DEPT has allowed for me the incredible opportunity to create work for eBay North America. The digital design work we do includes onsite and offsite digital assets that range from a variety of templates (at least 26!) that we provide for our clients on a regular 2-week sprint cycle. We also will make social media designs, landing page and email designs, all of which I’ve enjoyed building over the past year. My own personal contributions to the team includes building and maintaining our templates, as well as managing junior designers on our design team.
eBay North America
Digital/UX Designer
Apr 2021 - Present
eBay North America has several significant verticals, among those are handbags, watches and sneakers. The aim of each project our team works on is to speak to a wide variety of sellers and buyers. Each project utilizes marketing insights to better specify the advertisement, and therefore attract its intended clientele. Among my favourite challenges of working at eBay include making the product I am advertising as quick a read as possible for anyone quickly scrolling by the image. We work with such a wide variety of products at eBay, I feel as if by now I have sold just about every product that exists. Leaf blowers, chain saws, interior designs, tech, and Hermès teacups to name
a few!
eBay onsite assets GIF
eBay North America
Handbags Buyer Email
November 2021
Our design process included working closely with the copywriter and the other designer working across the 3 emails. Our goal was to see where we could cut on redundant information, and build hierarchies of the client-provided wireframe. Even with the client wireframe, there still was much we needed to break down, simplify and change-up in terms of placement and hierarchy. Understanding the flow of information on this email, as well as what information to highlight first and where was of the utmost importance on our work of this project. (Along with creating a stunning hero image with some fabulous holiday-themed bags!) The completed product was quite successful in preparing buyers for the holiday season.
ebay handbags EM
One of my favourite projects to work on was handbag projects. Getting to pick a mixture of bags that make for a delectable and glamorous design was such a blast. In addition, creating email designs that are responsive and adaptable to different devices, ensuring that the message looks great on desktops, tablets, and smartphones was of utmost importance. This was certainly a significant factor in every element chosen, from the hero imagery down to the icons.
eBay North America
Landing Page Design
December 2021
Our goal with this landing page was to see where we could cut on redundant information, and build hierarchies of the client-provided wireframe. Even with the client wireframe, there still was much we needed to break down, simplify and change-up in terms of placement and hierarchy to create an efficient design. Understanding the flow of information, and still highlighting each seller as well was of the utmost importance on our work of this project.
eBay mock of small businesses landing page
Landing page designs can be challenging for a variety of reasons. They must be clear, concise, and easy to understand, conveying the benefits of the product or service in a way that resonates with the user. In this case, communicating eBay small businesses. The page had to strike the right balance between providing information about each seller and the accompanying video per seller. Achieving these goals in a single landing page design can present a difficult task, which is why landing page designs are often considered one of the most challenging aspects of digital marketing, but also among the most fun.
You can see the work live here: https://pages.ebay.com/2022/smallbusinesssaturday/
eBay North America
Watches Seller Email
November 2021
Our design process included working closely with the copywriter and the other designer working across the 3 emails. Our goal was to see where we could cut on redundant information, and build hierarchies of the client-provided wireframe. Even with the client wireframe, there still was much we needed to break down, simplify and change-up in terms of placement and hierarchy. Understanding the flow of information on each email, as well as what information to highlight first and where was of the utmost importance on our work of this project. The completed product was quite successful in preparing sellers for the holiday season.
eBay watches enthusiast seller mock
Some of my favourite parts of designing this email was developing icons for the various seller points/sections on the email, as well as tying in our holiday theme closely with a fellow designer working on the sneakers-seller version of this email. We achieved a blue, wintery theme between each email.
eBay North America
DJ Skee cards
May 2021
The design challenge was showing off all 10 of the signed collected cards in a post to promote DJ Skee’s eBay card auction. Initially, the client was looking for a static post, however I felt that an animation would achieve not only a more engaging post for users, but also show off each of the cards without creating a busy and overwhelming composition.
eBay social mock GIF of DJ skee cards
I was excited that we were able to exceed project goals with the amount of attention the post garnered. I am grateful to have received encouragement from my team to suggest to our client an animation rather than something static to best show off the 10 cards. Working closely with the copy team as well to deliver an eye-catching title of the description of the cards, our objective was achieved very quickly after we made the post (with Steve Aoki having re-Tweeted, then purchased the set).