Square Creative Point of Sale

Digital Production Design
My Work with Square
Digital production design work at Square encompasses the creation, organization, and implementation of visual elements and assets in various digital media productions. It involves the meticulous design and layout of graphics, images, and animations to enhance the aesthetic and functional aspects of digital content, that lives on our public web, marketing email designs, and more. Digital production designers play a pivotal role in ensuring that the visual components align with the project's objectives, brand identity, and user experience goals. Working closely with the art directors and designers on our team, I contribute to the overall visual appeal and effectiveness of digital products and experiences, making them as optimal as possible for the creative and technical development process in the digital realm.
Digital Production Design
July 2023 - August 2023
This website features a main draw for Square sellers by getting its customers to sign up for their loyalty program to keep them coming back. Our focus as a team was to keep this page as intuitive and visually appealing as possible, as well as designing a layout that ensures an effortless navigation experience for users. We designed for every breakpoint, creating a responsive design ensures a seamless experience on various devices, from desktop to mobile. Working closely with our Design Technologist, we also efforted to create a very accessible site. Overall, the Square Loyalty Software website excels in combining aesthetics and functionality to deliver an informative and user-friendly experience for visitors.
Food Trucks (Australia)
Digital Production Design
May 2023 - June 2023
Square's Point of Sale (POS) system works exceptionally well for food trucks due to its unique blend of convenience, versatility, and affordability. The website dedicated to this product provides food truck owners access to a wealth of information and resources tailored to their specific needs. It offers valuable insights, success stories, and guides to optimize the use of Square's POS system for food trucks, making it an indispensable resource for this niche market. The website essentially empowers food truck entrepreneurs with the tools and knowledge necessary to thrive in their industry, enhancing the overall value of Square's POS solution. The page uses responsive animations with fantastic imagery to help break down the extensive product content. We localized this work to tailor to Australian food truck owners.
Soho Live
Digital Production Design
July 2023 - August 2023
This page is a great example of one of our many testimonial pages. We worked simultaneously with several designers who were all designing testimonial pages at the same time to create a template that was instantly recognizable for its testimonial nature. I really enjoyed building a simple and straight forward page that required less intervention for Design Technologist, not because I don't love working with them, but as a Production Designer, for public web it can optimize our work effort when we develop templatized pages. To check out the seller's testimonial, click the link to your left.
Gift Card Marketplace
Digital Production Design
November 2022 - December 2022
We created this page right around the holiday, and had lots of fun integrating parts of the Square colour palette that used more greens to highlight certain modules and break down the page. My favourite part about building this page was getting to make this animation in the hero section with the scrolling gift cards. Little touches like these is what makes designing for Square so exciting. No detail is left untouched.